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Cuban Government updates Plan for prevention and control of Covid-19

To date, no cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Cuba. Nevertheless, the Council of Ministers, in an extraordinary session yesterday, approved an updated version of the Plan for the Prevention and Control of the new coronavirus, given the continuing expansion of the disease, with 95,315 cases in 80 countries and 3,282 deaths reported thus far.

Photo: Estudio Revolución

The international situation prompted the Communist Party of Cuba’s Political Bureau – in a meeting led by its first secretary, Army General Raul Castro Ruz – to specify new measures to contain the risk of introduction and spreading of Covid-19 in Cuba.

Likewise, during the the Council of Ministers meeting, President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez reported that an intense effort was launched to update and improve the Plan approved in January to confront the disease, when the situation was different. What we are doing now, he said, will help us respond in the event of other epidemiological situations that may arise in the future.

He emphasized the fundamental role played by community institutions and organizations, especially family medicine offices, district delegates, Presidents of People’s Councils, mass organizations, and the labor movement.

«All the work we do with the people is important, to ensure that they are well informed, well prepared and can participate. We will accomplish this with popular participation, with the convocation and work of all,» he said. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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