International Media Education Film Festival to be held in Cuba

International Media Education Film Festival to be held in Cuba

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From Valencia to Cuba, the I International Media Education Film Festival (MICE) to take place in Havana, from January 29-31, has an impact today on the audiovisual training initiatives for children and teenagers.
More than 20 professors from Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Germany, and Brazil will attend this event that will promote film creation by children filmakers based on a responsible training.

In its first edition, this initiative will extend MICE Valencia’s educational experience, which will take place this year in Cuba, MICE President Josep Arbiol said.

According to the coordinator of the UNIAL platform in Cuba, Eileen Sanabria, the festival will include several provinces of this Caribbean nation and is a necessary space that will strengthen the union of bodies such as the Ministry of Education and the Juan Marinello Cuban Institute of Cultural Research.

Organized by the UNIAL Network, this event is sponsored by the Valencian Culture Institute, the Minister of Culture and the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC), which has steadily worked in favor of children’s education for 60 years.

Some of the Cuban experts supporting MICE Havana are filmmaker Marilyn Solaya, actor Jorge Perugorría, and film critic Frank Padron, who will highlight the importance of children’s audiovisual education and image reading.

During the official inaguration, scheduled for January 29 at La Rampa movie theater, the animated short film ‘El Jugador’ (The Player) will be screened, based on the homonymous short story by Valencian writer Enric Valor, by the children of the Stop Motion animated workshop, from Cuba.

The program of activities includes the Education Communication Congress, a classic Spanish guitar concert, and several screenings, exhibitions, animation workshops and lectures. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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