New Orleans’ jazz musicians to play in Havana

New Orleans’ jazz musicians to play in Havana

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American jazz musician Jon Cleary and his trio will debut in Havana during two concerts with Cuban pianist Ernan Lopez Nussa, according to organizers.
The leader of Jon Cleary & The Absolute Monster Gentlemen band will perform accompanied by guitarist Derwin Big D Perkins, bassist Cornell C. Williams and drummer Jelly Bean, who dabble in the sounds of jazz, funk, rhythm and blues and soul, typical of their hometown, New Orleans.

Both performances, to be held on December 18 and 19, will feature the talent of composer Lopez Nussa, as a special guest, who has shared the stage with Cleary in multiple performances and maintains a close friendship with him.

Lopez Nussa will convene a trumpet, trombone and saxophone section composed of Cuban instrumentalists Mayquel Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Marin, and David Suarez, respectively.

As part of his visit, Cleary will offer several workshops and conversations at the National School of Arts of Cuba.


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
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