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Cuba reiterates its commitment to the G-77

Anayansi Rodriguez Camejo, Cuban Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, reiterated today the Caribbean nation’s commitment to the founding objectives and principles of the G-77 and China.

In her speech at the 43rd Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 and China, recently held as part of the UN General Assembly, the diplomat recognized Palestine’s work as President of the group and stated that «today, no one can ignore the achievements we have reached together or the political force that the G-77 represents.

According to Cubaminrex, Rodriguez Camejo also said that «it is crucial to maintain the unity and cohesion within the Group and to defend its role as the main forum for negotiation and agreement among developing countries.

She also stated that the common challenges and aspirations that arose from the founding of the G-77 continue to have a marked validity, as do multiple armed and unarmed conflicts, most of which are fostered by the great powers with the aim of guaranteeing control of strategic natural resources.

In addition, the Cuban representative explained the damages suffered by the Cuban people in almost 60 years of unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by US against Cuba and its extraterritorial character with the complete activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.

Rodriguez Camejo concluded: «Cuba reiterates its commitment to the goals and principles that motivated the founding of the G-77 and emphasizes its firm decision to unconditionally support the just causes of our brother nations. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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