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Cuba strengthens ties with its citizens overseas

Cuba’s ties with its citizens overseas, including in the United States, have been strengthened in several areas, despite Washington’s escalation, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said.
At a meeting with Cuban residents in the US, held at the Caribbean island’s diplomatic mission in the United Nations, in New York, on Friday night, Rodriguez noted that the White House’s escalation affects those people’s rights and family ties.

Those who dominate the US Government’s agenda now are trying to silence or annul the opinions of several people in this country who oppose the blockade and favor a respectful relationship between the two countries, including the vast majority of Cuban citizens, he said.

The Foreign Minister expressed Cuba’s willingness to work through dialogue and cooperation to established more fluid relations. In that regard, he highlighted the growing ties among Cubans inside and outside the island, and the increase in trips by Cuban residents abroad.

Rodriguez also referred to the situation resulting from the US sanctions, threats and pressures against companies that carry fuel to Cuba and insurance firms.

That situation has affected public transportation, but we are facing it with solidarity and optimism; saving measures have been taken, and all citizens are making their contribution, he underlined.

Other US actions with a great impact are the bans on travels and cruise ships, which have affected exchanges between the two peoples, he added.

Likewise, US restrictions to consular services and visa procedures continue, as well as difficulties for travelers, who have to go to consulates in third countries.

The Foreign Minister went on to say that US authorities have restricted the US citizens’ right to visit Cuba and learn about its reality first hand.

Despite the adverse effects of those measures for Cuba’s economy, we want to end this year without compromising any key development programs, Rodriguez stated.

Regardless of problems, the Cuban economy today is stronger and more resistant, because our economic relations have been diversified. Cuba is becoming a safe tourist destination and will continue to make progress, noted Rodriguez. ‘We will overcome the difficulties on the basis of our people’s strong unity and solidarity,’ he pointed out. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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