Regional Earthquake Response Exercise begins in Cuba

Regional Earthquake Response Exercise begins in Cuba

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The Regional Earthquake Response Simulation Exercise, Simex 2019, began on Monday in Cuba with the participation of more than 270 foreign and national representatives.

The event, which will conclude on September 20, will bring together experiences to strengthen the island’s capabilities to confront and recover from this type of disaster, according to the National Civil Defense Staff.

The attendance of 18 national and foreign Urban Search and Rescue teams is expected, in addition to 12 emergency medical teams, and from the Civil Defense systems, the United Nations in Cuba and a group of observers.

Organized by the National Civil Defense Staff, in conjunction with the global and regional offices for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the international and regional secretariats of INSARAG and the Pan American Health Organization; Simex 2019 will take into account documentation of response to earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as lessons learned from countries in which high intensity telluric movements have occurred.

The event will also be enriched by the experiences obtained by Cuban specialists in different countries of the world, with different idiosyncrasies.

Similarly, the need to practice actions in confronting earthquakes by each of those responsible at different levels (national and international) will be insisted upon. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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