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Díaz-Canel: The answers lie within our history

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel recalled yesterday, in a tweet, the 1957 uprising in Cienfuegos with a compelling comment: “The answers lie within our history,” a phrase that evokes the dignity of a people who would not accept the dictatorship of Batista, at the orders of Washington.

Photo: Julio Martínez Molina

With a sea of people in streets, plazas, and parks, Cienfuegos commemorated the 62nd anniversary of the armed uprising and Party First Secretary Army General Raúl Castro honored those who fell in battle sending a floral wreath.

Julio Camacho Aguilera, Party Central Committee member, attended the event, and first secretary in the province, Félix Duartes Ortega, delivered the main remarks.

As is traditional, once the commemoration ended the province’s highest leadership headed the people’s march to the obelisk in Tomás Acea Cemetery raised in memory of the martyrs and heroes of the uprising. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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