Russian and Cuban FMs speak of reinforcing strategic links

Russian and Cuban FMs speak of reinforcing strategic links

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

The Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, discussed on Monday with his Russian counterpart, Serguei Lavrov, the development and reinforcement of strategic links between the two countries.

According to the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, María Zajarova, the heads of diplomacy of both nations will deal with aspects of bilateral cooperation, particularly in the economic and investment fields.

Prensa Latina reports from Moscow that Rodríguez Parilla, who began his official visit to that country last Saturday, and Lavrov will also analyze a wide range of issues on the international and regional agenda.

The Cuban Foreign Minister’s visit shows that the strategic partnership with a friend and ally of Russia continues to deepen as a result, Zajarova said.

The Cuban foreign minister has already held a meeting with the association of residents of the island in this country and with the diplomatic mission.

On January 24, Russia and Cuba strengthened their economic cooperation and strategic partnership, after the vice-president of the island’s Council of Ministers, Ricardo Cabrisas, met with Cuban authorities in Moscow.

Cabrisas covered a busy agenda during which he met with Russian Vice President Dmitri Kozak, with whom he discussed strategic aspects of bilateral cooperation in various spheres, including energy.

Both parties work systematically on issues of strategic sectors for Cuba’s socioeconomic development.

All this occurs in a complex international situation for both nations, both politically and economically, Cabrisas said, alluding to the strengthening of the U.S. blockade against his country and Washington’s unilateral sanctions against Moscow.

The Cuban vice-president highlighted the development of projects in the energy sector such as the construction of four blocks, to which are added projects to modernize equipment in this sphere.

Kozak told Prensa Latina that with Cabrisas he held a constructive dialogue on all directions of cooperation, at many levels and in various spheres. We agreed on the steps to follow to deepen this collaboration, he added. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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