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New Constitution Guarantees Cubans Unity, Diaz-Canel Asserts

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has asserted on Thursday that the new Constitution of the Republic, proclaimed this Wednesday, guarantees the Unity of all Cubans, the independence and sovereignty of the Homeland.

Through a message on Twitter, the Cuban Head of State added that the new fundamental law is a faithful continuation of the Constitution of the Republic in Arms, known as the Guaimaro Constitution of 1869 when Cubans were fighting their first war of independence against the Spanish colonial rule.

On Wednesday, in a solemn session of Parliament at the convention center of Havana the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Raul Castro, proclaimed the new legislation 150 years after the first Constitution of the Republic in Arms.

During his speech before about 600 MPs, the Cuban leader stressed that this text guarantees the continuity of the Revolution and the irrevocable character of socialism.

This law of laws is the daughter of its time, noted the Army General, who added that it becomes a legacy for new generations.

Raul Castro added that from now on, a new electoral law is being drafted to be later on approve in Cuba, with the purpose of presenting it in this Assembly in its next session.

He added that the National Electoral Council will be appointed, and within three months Parliament will elect its president, vice president and secretary; the members of the Council of State, the president and vice president of the Republic.

The new constitution, which came into force after its publication in the country’s Official Gazette, was ratified at the polls on 24 February 24 by almost seven million Cubans, 86.5 percent of those who exercised their right to vote.

The document establishes changes in the structure of the state, recognizes various forms of ownership, including private, the importance of foreign investment, strengthens popular power from the municipalities and extends individual and collective rights and guarantees. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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