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Working well is the best ideological work we can do, says Diaz-Canel

The best political and ideological work we can do is to work well every day, said President Miguel Diaz-Canel when he spoke on Monday at the annual meeting of the Ministry of Justice, which evaluated the results of the work during 2018 and projections for 2019 to raise the quality of legal services.

The president said it is a priority the monitoring of the policy of cadres, intrinsically linked to the efficient management of the skilled workforce. With the complexities that we are experiencing, he said, no problem has a single solution, we have to work with several alternatives and that capacity falls on highly qualified people.

When we talk about human resources management, he clarified, it is not a question of waiting each year for university graduates assigned by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. We have to take good care of those who arrive, charm them, commit them and make them feel useful; but we also have to go out and look for qualified people who are not currently employed.

Diaz-Canel returned to the issue of obstacles and bureaucracies that hinder the implementation of some measures. He commented on the decision to include teams of jurists from the very birth of the policies, so that they come out with legal strength, without errors and with more agility.

He also referred to the attention to workers, which begins by achieving orderly, clean places, where the culture of detail prevails. State entities, he defined, have to maintain a good presence, which is neither superfluous nor elitist. It is the first image that our population takes from the offices where it is going to be attended.

The President also commented that the policies designed by the Government have to be applied well, both at the state and non-state level.

Regarding attention to the people, he stressed that it is necessary to respect them and learn from the exchange with them. When we treat them well we find understanding, he stressed, that gives the population confidence in their government institutions.

The Cuban President finally highlighted the leading role of the Ministry of Justice in the broad legislative exercise that should be deployed after the constitutional referendum of February 24. We have to involve the jurists, with the university students and their tutors, he said, so that the new Constitution, in the shortest possible time, has all the support in the laws it needs. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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