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Public servants owe coherent and direct information to the population

The Cuban Government is intent on advancing in the computerization of society, said Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, in an analysis of this issue during a meeting of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Services.

Photo: Estudio Revolución

He stated that this process is already a reality, moving forward steadily, despite a complex economic situation and an aggressive U.S. subversion campaign.»In the United States there is a Task Force focused on providing free internet to everyone, according to them. With what purpose? If they are the first to prevent us from acquiring necessary resources for infrastructure, if the main companies that have relations with Cuba are subjected to financial persecution and unilateral sanctions?»Internet is used to manage knowledge, to share ideas and perceptions that enrich. The main use we must give it now is as an emancipating platform, he emphasized.The President commended a project presented by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) with the use of information and communication technologies in its system of attention to the population.That this comes from a state institution means respect for the population, he noted, it is also an exercise in democracy, of popular participation in decision-making, he continued, during a session of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture, Science, Technology, and the Environment.When the population expresses concerns, doubts, opinions, and these are taken into account, institutions are led to rethink and to project themselves differently, and to solve problems, he stated.Those of us who hold decision-making positions and are public servants must provide coherent and direct information to the population and together we must do what Fidel did alone, although all of us are Fidel, Díaz-Canel emphasized. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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