Cuban Youth Favors Civil Society on Twitter

Cuban Youth Favors Civil Society on Twitter

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Cuban student organizations began a world message action through Twitter, in which youth movements from the region are participating, with the objective of stating the work of civil society in Cuba.
The forum takes place today through the Twitter accounts of the University Students’ Federation, the Hermanos Saiz Association -which brings together young Cuban artists-, the Marti Youth Movement and the Young Communist League.

Digital content will be generated today with the tags #Cuba, #PorCuba and #HacemosCuba, to present the work of more than 2,000 organizations and associations that make up civil society in the Caribbean nation; as well as its contribution to the economic and cultural life of the country.

The tweet, called The Cuban civil society in the revolutionary process, is part of actions the youth takes place to support the Cuban delegation in parallel forums of the Summit of the Americas, hosting Lima, Peru. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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