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Authentic Cuba Promotional Campaign Tours Rotterdam Streets

Images of beaches and many Cubans landscapes tours the streets of this Dutch city of Rotterdam these days, as part of the promotional campaign Authentic Cuba, diplomatic sources informed.
Driven by the tourism ministry of the Caribbean country, the initiative will take four weeks in order to promote the destination Cuba, specified the communique.

The text indicated that during a month, the taxis will carry the colorful images in their tours of the port city, in an invitation to visit Cuba.

In this way, the island invites people to ‘enjoy a unique experience in which musical, gastronomic and cultural delight converge, together with the marvelous landscapes,’ noted the statement.

Similarly, Cubans and Dutch gathered in this city to begin the festivities in the Netherlands for the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, which will be celebrated on January 1, 2019, diplomatic sources reported today.

According to a statement, during the next months different format activities will take place to celebrate the date, a program that began on Saturday with the meeting of friends of solidarity, young communists and Cuban residents, held at the Embassy of Havana in The Hague.

During the evening was reiterated the willingness to continue building bridges of solidarity and love with the Caribbean country, amid poems, music and an exquisite buffet with the most typical food of the island. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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