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Cuban Scientists Warn about Falsehood of Sonic Attacks

Two Cuban doctors in physical sciences warned about the falsehood of the accusations by the United States about alleged sonic attacks perpetrated in this country on U.S. diplomats, local media reported.
‘What they are publishing, the media, is full of falsehoods and ignorance from the viewpoint of physics, the doctor in physical sciences, Daniel Stolik Novygrod, a permanent professor at the University of Havana, categorically said in an interview with the newspaper Juventud Rebelde, published under the headline ‘The Irresistible Decibels of a Non-Existent ‘Sonic Attack».

That way, the scientist analyzes a situation in which a score of U.S. diplomats and their families attached to the U.S. Embassy in Cuba allegedly suffered or are suffering discomfort or medical symptoms caused by what they have called ‘sonic attacks’, the newspaper said.

For his part, the doctor in physical sciences, Carlos Barceló, a permanent professor at the Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute, attached to the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, recalled that foreign media have not described the physical sonic phenomenon, and noted that ‘an exchange of information would be necessary to learn about the origin, if it existed, although categorically, it is impossible.’

The two scientists explained that, in the particularities of sound physics, and its clear explanation, it is evident that neither in the room of the Capri Hotel in Havana nor in the diplomats’ residences such events could happen without being heard nearby.

It is necessary to know the frequency and intensity or decibels of the sound waves and the means necessary for their propagation, said Stolik, who pointed out that the human ear can perceive sound waves of frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hertz.

On the other hand, infrasounds (a frequency vibration lower than those audible by the human ear) are little absorbed in the atmosphere and they travel long distances rapidly, but they expand in all directions, he added.

Effectively, that is one of the reasons why both Stolik and Barceló ruled out the possibility of using an ‘infrasonic weapon’ from a long distance against selected people.

There may be many hypotheses, but physical characteristics allow saying that it is not a sonic attack, they underlined.

According to the explanation, infrasounds are not audible, so there is a contradiction in the testimony of those who said that they had heard sounds.

Regarding ultrasounds (a frequency vibration higher than those audible by the human ear), they are not audible either and all the knowledge about them points to good experiences, like the technology used in medicine.

It is not a matter of decibels either, they added. A normal conversation ranges between 25 to 30 decibels; the noise of a jackhammer is 90 decibels; a rock band can reach 100 decibels. The latter can damage hearing in a long term, but not immediately. In order to suffer from hearing damage, the person should have to be under that action for a long period.

The sound that causes damage in a short term exceeds 120 decibels, like the noise made by some planes and rockets (150 decibels), and in that case, it is an irresistible noise, Stolik added.

In addition, the scientists underlined that the sonic weapons that they know, in addition to be in the hands of the United States and some of its allies, would have affected the whole area, not only the buildings mentioned in the reports, but also those in the vicinity.

According to the doctors, neither sound, infrasound, ultrasound nor a sonic weapon. The United States has to seek another pretext. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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