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Cuban workers condemn U.S. blockade of Cuba

The economic, commercial, financial blockade imposed by the United States government on our country, for more than 50 years, constitutes a massive, flagrant, and systematic violation of the human rights of the Cuban people and an act of genocide, reads a statement issued by the Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC), approved by a meeting of its National Council this past weekend, October 21-22.

This hostile policy, that has caused billions of dollars in damages, interferes with the legitimate right of the Cuban people to live in peace, the document continued, and is intended to force the country to surrender to U.S. interests.

The CTC points out that maintaining the blockade affects the U.S. people as well, since they are denied the right to visit Cuba and learn about the reality here, while U.S. companies cannot maintain economic ties with the country.

Despite the damage caused by the blockade, the statement reads, it will «continue to be a useless attempt to defeat the Cuban Revolution.»

«Cuban workers will continue to search for solutions to the difficulties, making every workplace and position a bastion of resistance … based on the intelligence, creativity, and collective ingenuity of our people.»

The CTC statement also called on trade unions and friends around the world to condemn the blockade. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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