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Universities Supporting Recovery Process in Communities

A brigade of workers and students from the Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz University of Camaguey began on Thursday working in the recovery process in the Puerto Piloto community of the municipality of Sierra de Cubitas north of Camaguey.

Jorge Luis Orozco Perez, heading the brigade from the university said that they will help in the reconstruction of the collapsed homes and reparation of the homes affected by Hurricane Irma in the territory.

This is the first group that will have the mission of supporting the recovery process during one week, said Yosvany Garcia Nunez, General Secretary of the Labor Union.

The students and teachers together with the maintenance and cooking personnel will rotate every 7 days and will receive more help every Saturday from professors and students, according to the university´s website.

The working brigade will have artists, different community projects join them after their presentation in La Gloria, and Palma City both located in the municipality of Sierra de Cubitas, which alongside Esmeralda, Nuevitas and Minas were severely affected by the hurricane.

The incorporation of the universities of Camaguey to the recovery action also comes on the 50th anniversary of the University of Camaguey next November 5th, first higher education center created after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on January of 1959. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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