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Petroleum-Gas Event Focuses Today on Oil Refining

The event Cuba Energy Oil and Gas, attended by 250 experts and executives from a dozen countries will focus on oil refining.
A lecture on the topic will be delivered by Juan J. Alfonso, director of Refining in the Union Cuba-Petroleo (Cupet).

Also, assistants will also listen to a conference by Viepresident of NGL Marketing and Transportation Targa Resources, Rob Donaldson, about security in supplies from the United States and another by John Mackeon, chairman and founder of Ardilaun Energy, who will approach the topic Two Islands, Cuba and Ireland, united by history and mistery.

For his part, vicepresident of Business Development Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited of Trinidad and Tobago, will refer to the model of natural gas of that Caribbean country.

Other speakers this Thursday include Meng Fanji, of the Chinese company Great Drilling, who will refer to the experience of that company in drilling wells in Cuba.

According to the organizer of this forum, Global Event Partners, that has Cupet as host, it is a magnificent opportunity for foreign investors be briefed about the oil and gas industry in Cuba, as well as on opportunities this country offers to foreign capital in the sector’s development.

The eve, the manager of Exploration-Commercial Production of Cupet S.A., Juan Andres Barrizonte, offered substantial information on Business opportunities in Cuba Upstream, while the head of the Group of Exploration of Cupet, Osvaldo Lopez Corzo refered to the hydrocarbon potential of the island.

Among other speakers, the director of the U.S. Law Firm Chevalier, by Felix Chevalier dealt on joint ventures between companies of Cuba and the United States, while consultant Gregory Biniowsky, of Gowling WLG Consulting, of Canada, talked about reflections of a Canadian lawyer on advising a negotiation of a joint venture in Cuba.

The event has as precedent an oil summit held in Havana on February this year, to promote investments in the sector and more recently, the 6th Congress on Oil and Gas 2017.

Cuba produces about four million tons of oil a year (near to 25 million barrels) and no less than 1.1 billion cubic meters of gas. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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