Council of State modifies schedule for elections of delegates to Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power

Council of State modifies schedule for elections of delegates to Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power

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As was duly published this past June 13, the Council of State stipulated that elections to choose delegates to Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power were to be held, with a first round on October 22, 2017, and a second round the following Sunday, October 29.

Given the severe damage caused by Hurricane Irma in a large part of the nation and the necessity that our state institutions, mass and social organizations concentrate their efforts on the recovery, and with the objective of guaranteeing a high level of participation by electors and the quality of the electoral process, in particular the direct nomination of candidates to Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power, the Council of State has agreed to establish November 26, 2017, as the new date for elections of delegates to Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power, for two and a half year terms, with a second round election, in those constituencies where no candidate receives more than 50% of the valid votes cast, on December 3, 2017.

Additionally, the National Electoral Commission was instructed to adjust the timeline projected for the completion of different activities as part of the first stage of the electoral process. (Taken from


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