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Cuban Doctors Protest Trump’s Policy Against Cuba

The Cuban medical brigade working in Northern Cape has condemned today the recent statements by American President, Donald Trump, aimed at worsening the blockade on the Caribbean country.


A note received by the Prensa Latina office in Pretoria describes the U.S. president’s performance as a ‘show of terrible taste and worse assembly’ and notes that Trump ‘resorted to threats again, adopting measures that would strengthen the blockade against our country.’

History has shown for more than 60 years that similar actions will not weaken or bend our people, whose resistance and conviction have been more than proven since the very beginning of the Revolution, the document says.

Cuban doctors emphasize that ‘we believe in the possibility and necessity of living in peace, but not in concessions of principles that can crack our sovereignty. It is time for American presidents to realize this.

About 393 Cuban doctors are working in South Africa, mainly in rural regions, meanwhile since 1997, both states have begun a program for young South Africans to study medicine in that Caribbean nation. (Taken from Prensa Latina)

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