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Standing committees of Cuban parliament start working sessions

Photo: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda
Photo: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda


Cuban lawmakers that comprise the 10 standing committees of the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP by its Spanish acronym) will analyze 79 issues related to the fulfillment of the country’s development policies, prior to the ninth regular session of the National Assembly in its 8th Legislature convened for this Friday.

The focus of parliamentarians will also be on the analysis of the results of the implementation of the guidelines approved in the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, and which were ratified in Parliament last month.

Among the topics that will lead the debate are the liquidation of the 2016 budget, compliance with the plan of the economy in the first half of the year and the work of sports professionals to solve health problems in the community.

Miriam Brito Sarroca, Secretary of the ANPP, said that the deputies will discuss ways and methods to combat illegalities and inappropriate social behavior.

She said that the discussion of the draft law on groundwater, widely debated at the base, is on the agenda.

The State plan to tackle climate change, known as «Tarea Vida» will focus the working day of parliamentarians on Thursday, because it is important that the deputies and the citizens know well all the details on how Cuba is addressing this issue and all join in this endeavor.

Other points will be addressed by the deputies in these three days of work in commissions, as is the case of those related to housing and its problems in the country, a matter that will tackle jointly the Committees on Constitutional and Legal Affairs and that of Industry, Constructions and Energy.

The Council of Ministers, in a meeting headed by General of the Army Raúl Castro Ruz, president of the Councils of State and Ministers, recently analyzed the performance of the economy in the first half of the year, which was known, corresponded with the forecasts prepared for the planning of 2017. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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