US expert praises Cuban Neuro-Rehabilitation Program

US expert praises Cuban Neuro-Rehabilitation Program

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Dr. Victor Rivera, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine in United States, assessed as awesome the Neuro-Rehabilitation Program of the International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN by its Spanish acronym), unique of its kind in the world.

In a dialogue with the Cuban News Agency, the Mexican expert, who heads the delegation of US scholars participating in the clinical-scientific exchange on Multiple Sclerosis (MS), referred to the benefits of this program, through which almost 200,000 patients from a hundred countries, including Americans, have been treated with very good results.
The also founder and two-time president of the Latin American Committee for Treatment and Research of the MS (LACTRIMS), which groups 19 countries including Cuba, said that program is difficult to imitate in the sense of the factors the Cuban Public Health fortunately has, unlike other nations where there are obstacles, he said.
It was a great pride to participate in this meeting, «which has been very valuable to both parties,» noted Rivera, who is the head of internationally recognized experts coming from different regions of America.
In the United States the multidisciplinary orientation is made, but not as complete as it is here and so intensively, it impresses us as they constantly combine these two basic aspects, stated Dr. Rivera, proud of his tenth trip to Cuba.
At the meeting, we exchanged technical, scientific information about the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and everything affecting the patient with this disease, which is unfortunately emerging in all parts of Latin America, including Cuba.
There are an estimated of 2.5 million people with this disease worldwide and in the United States there are half a million, said the professor, who gave a lecture on MS in the opening day of the forum that finishes today.
Dr. Tania Margarita Cruz, director of CIREN, institution founded by the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro since February 1989, explained that for 28 years the entity has been working in the field of restorative neurology in order to offer better quality of life to patients. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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