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Strategic Exercise «Bastión 2016» begins

Nothing is more important to the defense of the nation than preparation. This Wednesday, November 16, the Strategic Exercise «Bastión 2016», running through Friday, November 18, began across the country, with the exception of Guantánamo.

The Bastión exercise draws from the Cuban legacy and traditions of struggle and the study of military tactics; it encapsulates the spirit of resistance, heroism, and rebellion on the island, ever since the wars of independence in the nineteenth century. It is also based on unwavering confidence in victory, as witnessed during the last stage of the struggle for Cuba’s definitive independence, led by Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, and of which Cuban men and women have been protagonists over more than 50 years of triumphs.

All leadership and command bodies composed of Party and government authorities, central government agencies, enterprises, entities, and units of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), the Ministry of the Interior, and the population, will participate in Bastión 2016.

The exercise will help consolidate the doctrine of War by the Entire People, and at the same time will reflect a higher stage in the strengthening of the military invulnerability of the country. It will demonstrate the efficiency, condition, and modernization of combat technique, and is an inseparable part of the “Cuba is ours” campaign that is mobilizing the country and the world against the United States economic, commercial and financial blockade of the island.

It will also contribute to analysis of what has been achieved and clarify issues regarding the management of the nation’s defense system, both in terms of armed and non-armed struggle. Several of the actions taking place will be led and conducted by young FAR officers.

Following the exercise, on November 19-20, National Defense Days will be held, during which there will be tactical maneuvers and exercises with troops. (Taken from en.granma.cu)

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