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Cuban youth stage massive denunciation of US blockade

avispero-bloqueoA massive denunciation of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba is being staged by youngsters in all local universities as a new vote approaches at the UN on the Cuban resolution demanding the lifting of the unilateral and extraterritorial US measure.

«We will voice our condemnation of such a monstrous policy and demand its total elimination, said Jennifer Bello, leader of the Cuban University Student Federation (FEU).

Bello said that the world must know that despite the announced reestablishment of diplomatic relations on December 17, 2014 between Washington and Havana, the criminal US blockade still persists and it is the major obstacle for the normalization of relations between the two countries and for the economic development of Cuba.

The student leader, who is also member of the Cuban Council of State, gave the Cuban News Agency details of the program that is taking place October 17 at the University of Havana, main venue of the massive denunciation against the US blockade.

Nearly all facilities at the university will turn into tribunes all day for the youths to condemn the US policy, in direct connection with other Cuban universities, said Bello and recalled that the 2015 Panama Summit of the Peoples declared day 17 of each month, the day in fight against the US blockade.

Visual arts will be a major activity as students will paint on a huge panel in different colors their messages against the US blockade. Sports, camping sites, audiovisuals, book fairs, will also be part of the program.

The student leader announced that a significant moment will be a conversation with the general director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry Josefina Vidal. Parts of the exchange with Vidal will be uploaded on the social networks.

«We want our message to multiply and reach millions of youths and honest people around the world, so that they join in, because like in many other battles already waged, unity and solidarity will lead to our victory.» (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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