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Namibian Leader Sam Nujoma Pays Tribute to Cuban Revolutionaries

The first President of independent Namibia, Sam Nujoma, paid tribute on Wednesday to Cuban revolutionaries by placing a wreath by the Mausoleum to the Veterans of Cuba’s Independence Wars, located at the Cristobal Colon Cemetery in this capital.

Photo: Marcelino Vázquez/ACN


On a visit to Cuba, the African leader also placed a wreath by the tomb of combatant Jorge Risquet who died on September 28, 2015, and who headed the national delegation to the four-party negotiations held between Cuba, Angola, the United States and South Africa in 1988.

Moved by Cuba’s solidarity, the historic leader of Namibia thanked Commander in Chief Fidel Castro for authorizing that Cuban troops crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Angola to fight against colonialism.

He underlined that with this visit the bonds of friendship and cooperation among both nations consolidate, and mentioned bonds in the Health sector.
On Wednesday, Nujoma also visited the Solidarity with Namibia School and met with students from his country studying in Havana.

According to the program, the first president of independent Namibia will receive the Mehdi Ben Barca Order given by the Organization of Solidarity with the Peoples Asia, Africa and Latin America (OSPAAL). (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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