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Raul Castro: The Non-Aligned Movement united can´t be underestimated

Cuban President Raul Castro said that when the 120 Non-Aligned nations act shoulder to shoulder their strength cannot be underestimated.

The Cuban head of state spoke at the 27 Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Margarita Island and he recalled that in the 2006 Havana summit of that bloc, all member nations rejected regime change attempts and called on every country to abstain from using aggression or force against others.

However, the President said that they are now witnessing attacks on the sovereignty and self-determination of Venezuela. In this regards he reaffirmed Cuba´s unconditional support of the Venezuelan people and government and President Nicolas Maduro.

«We strongly reject the judicial and parliamentary coup against President Dilma Rousseff in Brazil,» said Raul and added that Cuba will give all its support to Colombia efforts to implement the final accord and consolidation of fair and lasting peace which the Colombian people deserve.

He also expressed confidence that the Syrian people will solve its own problems by themselves, without any external interference aimed at promoting a regime change in that nation.

Addressing the forum and its chairperson, Raul described as unacceptable to still see that the Palestinian people continue to be the victims of occupation and violence and that the occupiers continue to hinder the setting up of an independent Palestinian state with Eastern Jerusalem as its city capital.

On the other hand, Raul recalled that all attempts towards the self-determination of the Saharawi people have failed, which requests action by the international community.

The Cuban President also expressed support of the historic demand of Puerto Rico for self-determination and independence and he backed the claim by Argentina over the Malvinas Islands (Falklands).

In another part of his speech at the Summit, Raul Castro said that for Cuba non-alignment means fighting for a radical change of the current international economic order imposed by the superpowers, which has favored a group of 360 rich persons who have an annual wealth higher than all the income of 45 percent of the world population.

As this happens, 2.9 billion people are pushed into unemployment and extreme poverty; millions of children die every year from hunger and preventable diseases; nearly 800 million people cannot yet how to read and write, while over 1.7 trillion dollars are dedicated to military expenses.

The only alternative for the Non-Aligned in the face of the huge danger and challenges ahead is unity and solidarity in defending common objectives and interests, the Cuban leader stressed. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)

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