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Cuba Denounces Extraterritoriality of US Immigration Policy

The director general of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Josefina Vidal, today denounced the extraterritorial impact of migration policy of the northern nation to the Caribbean island.

Vidal shared on Twitter a text released by the Cubadebate site referred the request to Washington by nine Latin American countries to review immigration policy toward the Greater Antilles.

The nine governments considered that these provisions constitute ‘a stimulus to the disorderly, irregular and insecure flow of Cuban citizens’ to the United States.

In previous tweets, the official said that the foreign ministers of Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, which called for the review of the Cuban Adjustment Act and the ‘Dry Feet-Wet Feet’ policy.

The letter expresses the concern of governments by the irregular movement of Cuban citizens, which commits policies and efforts to ‘secure and free borders of transnational organized crime’.

According to the letter, these people risk their lives daily in the attempt to reach the United States are extremely vulnerable and victims of mafias engaged in migrant trafficking, sexual exploitation and collective assaults.

‘This situation has generated a migratory crisis affecting our countries’ says the text sent to Kerry.

It adds that, in addition to the safety of Cubans, US policy affects the territorial sovereignty of the signatory nations of the letter. (Taken from Prensa Latina News Agency)

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