Cuba and Civil Protection Organization Strengthen Cooperation

Cuba and Civil Protection Organization Strengthen Cooperation

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Cuba and the International Civil Protection Organization (ICPO) advocated in Geneva to continue strengthening the bonds of cooperation in the field of civil defense.

ICPO Secretary General Vladimir Kuvshinov and the Cuban ambassador to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Anayansi Rodriguez, expressed during a meeting their interest in deepening cooperation in disaster risk reduction, an area in which the Caribbean island has broad international recognition.

Kuvshinov renewed the Organization’s willingness to further bilateral cooperation to contribute to strengthening Cuba’s civil defense system.

Rodriguez, in turn, congratulated the ICPO official for the fact that the United Nations General Assembly granted the status of observer to the organization in December, as a recognition of the prestige of ICPO, which is based in Switzerland and of which Cuba is a full-fledged member since November 2014. (Taken from PL)


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