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Peace in Colombia not Only Possible But Essential

Foto: Heriberto González Brito
Photo: Heriberto González Brito


Speech by First Secretary of the Central Committee of Cuban Communist Party and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz in the act for the signing of Agreements on Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia in Cubanacán Protocol Hall, on September 23, 2015, “Year 57 of the Revolution”.

His Excellency President of the Republic of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos;
Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces-People’s Army Chief of Staff, Commander Timoleón Jiménez;
Delegates of Colombia’s Government and the FARC-EP in Havana’s Negotiating Table;
Distinguished representatives from Norway Guarantor Country alongside Cuba, from Venezuela and Chile, Accompanying countries.
Dear participants in this act:
I will be very brief.
First of all, congratulations to President Santos and Commander Timochenko and their respective delegations, for the important agreements announced today.
Negotiations are on the right track. These agreements on justice are a significant step forward. We are now closer to achieving the peace the Colombian people long for and deserve.
Peace is not only possible, it’s essential. But it requires great effort and will, which both parties are proving.
There’s a great advance. A lot further than ever before. There are still enormous difficulties to surmount, but we are certain that they’ll be overcome.
The profound respect to both parties’ positions, the absolute impartiality, discretion and the firm, consistent and solidary support, will continue characterizing Cuba’s  modest contribution to the peace process. It’s our duty.
We won’t rest in until the long awaited objective of stable and long-lasting peace for the dear Colombia is achieved. In this case, the commitment assumed by the Head of States and Governments in the Second Summit of the Latin-American and Caribbean States (CELAC) when we signed the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as Zone of Peace, will become reality.
Thank you very much.
Translated by ESTI
By: Juventud Rebelde




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