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Call to Celebrate May Day

Foto: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda
Photo: José Raúl Rodríguez Robleda

Cuban workers:

Immersed in the fulfillment of the productive commitments in each work place to contribute to the economic growth, the National Secretariat of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) calls to the most important activity of the working class that is the celebration of May Day from May 1 to 5 in all Cuba.

The commemoration will be worth to promote the tasks assigned and make good use of the initiatives that will help contribute in the implementation of the Guidelines passed in the VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, the Aims of the First National Conference and the 20th Congress of the CTC.

There are enough reasons to turn this celebration in festivity for each Cuban worker in any of the branches or sectors of the economy. It is the party of the workers in close alliance with the intellectuals, farmers, men and women who are creators of the welfares that everyday makes the socialism we build together a reality.

It will be a moment for the fulfillment of the purposes of the increase foreseen in the production of sugar, food, in the investment processes, in the exportation planning and the substitution of importations, in saving, in offering services of excellence, strengthen values, like the altruistic one given by the health brigade that fought Ebola in Western Africa, who will honor us with their presence in the celebrations.

We will pay tribute to the historical leaders like Lazaro Pena, Jesus Menendez, Aracelio Iglesias and other honorable representatives of the Cuban working class and mainly our Cuban Five: Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Llort and Rene Gonzalez who are examples of strength, intransigency and fidelity to the Revolution and the Homeland. They will also share with us the celebrations all together for the first time.

Cuban workers:

There are many the challenges at present in the current international context with the new strategy of the government of the United States (US) towards Cuba that even though it recognizes their failure in their harassed, aggression and media war policy against Cuba, still keep measures will we continue condemning before the world like the genocide economic, finance and commercial blockade against Cuba, the unjust inclusion of Cuba into the list of countries sponsors of terrorism, and the occupation of the Cuban territory in Guantanamo with a Naval Base.

We ratify the eternal gratitude to the union and social organizations who have been in solidarity with Cuba in all the battles. We express our unlimited commitment with the sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the peoples of our America and the world who defend its sovereignty and independence.

The celebration will be also worth to ratify the recognition of the World Union Federation for its 70 anniversary of active, revolutionary and committed life in defense to the international working class.

The CTC and its unions call the workers, their families and all the Cuban people to participate actively in the parade on May Day in the squares, avenues, villages, and all the localities with the slogan: United in the Construction of Socialism.

We will deeply remember with all its strength, the meaning of the Revolution concept expressed by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz on May Day 2000. His postulates are and will be spiritual guide, integrity and the action of our people.

Present for the Homeland and the Revolution!

Long live the Cuban Revolution!

Long live the workers!

Long live May Day!

National Secretariat of the Cuban Workers Federation

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