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A Workers Federation Every Day

Foto: Cánovas
Photo: Cánovas


If the union movement terns the performance in its devotion every day, there will be possible the affectivity in the transformations taking place in the Cuban labor atmosphere, and not in something occasional that happens, which could simple be the celebration of an assembly of affiliates and workers.

The concept of professor Dagoberto Rojas was supported by the majority of those participating in the annual balance of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) in an instructive exchange on how to get a real representation of the workers’ rights from a constant union procedure, systematically, materialized in the everyday activities of the staffs, in the workplaces, just where the productive commitments should become reality.

This territory needs to complete the posts of its leaders for their performance to guarantee better attention to the base, a matter of priority, said Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento , secretary general of the CTC.

He also said that the most important thing is the preparation of the leaders. The also member of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party talked about the great responsibility to have every even the self employees affiliate to the union. Isdalia Rodriguez, secretary general of the territory insisted on that.

Those participating from different spheres of production expressed their experiences in the performance of their activities highlighting the accomplishments and the results of the new system of payments, productivity and the contribution they have made to the economy.

There was of course, a call to fight corruption, crime and illegalities, which is a challenge in this important territory in Cubans’ hopes to grow in the gross domestic product. It was also debated the important job in the political-ideological sphere.

In Mayabeque

Alberto G. Walon

The general secretary of the Cuban Workers Federation Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento made a call to the leaders in the western province of Mayabeque and carry out a deeper, dynamic and scientific job according to the new circumstances living Cuba today, in his speech during the annual balance of the CTC in this territory.

The top leader of the Federation ratified the importance of the union section and its leaders, because those are the ones that are side by side with the workers, in their workplaces, where most of the time they decide the solutions of the problems.

Guilarte called to deepen in topics of top priorities like the posts, the good use of the working hours, productivity, good use of the raw material and the wages.

Marisol Fuentes Ferrer, secretary general of the CTC in this territory mentioned the priority tasks in 2014 and noted it is important to change the leaders’ methods at work, the way to ask people affiliate and manage to have better attention to the base.

Finally, she asserted that the economic results in 2014 show sustainable advances and growths in the four years of the foundation of this province, and they guarantee there are possibilities to improve in 2015.

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