Times of Efforts and commitments

Times of Efforts and commitments

1 Estrella2 Estrellas3 Estrellas4 Estrellas5 Estrellas (Sin valoración)

Just about to celebrate the 56th anniversary of the Cuban’s Revolution’s Triumph, Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, general secretary of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) sent a message on behalf this organization with greetings “to the Cuban people and especially to the Cuban workers”.

“Cuban workers have always been devoted in their extraordinary role during all the periods of our struggles for independence and this has been a titanic year, with great efforts and commitments.

“We hope you all the best successes, health, happiness and especially arrive to anniversary 57 of the Revolution’s triumph plenty of optimism, faith in victory and together with our communist Party.”

In the transcendental moment where all the labor staffs have just started the process of debates for the planning and the budget for 2015, the also member of the Central Committee of the Cuban communist Party and the Council of State stressed that such exercise “will give continuity to the agreements passed in the 20th Congress of the CTC.

“The economic plans agreed in each labor place for 2015 will be checked in January and February, so from that analysis on, workers will identify where are the reserves, how to contribute creating new wealth which could be distributed as a fair recognition to the job they do.”

Guilarte de Nacimiento noted the leadership of the union in this task for the fulfillment of the planning mobilizing and representing the workers, so they can contribute with the implementation of the Guidelines for the development of Cuba.

Acerca del autor

Periodista cubana. Máster en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Profesora Auxiliar de la Universidad de Oriente. Guionista de radio y televisión.


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