The Party of the Flag in Santiago de Cuba

The Party of the Flag in Santiago de Cuba

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bandera“La Fiesta de la Bandera” (The Party of the Flag), is a centenarian traditional ceremony, a mixture of patriotism and culture that will place the final point to year 2014 in Santiago de Cuba.

On December 31, at 12:00 midnight, in the venue of the City Council, in front of the centric Cespedes Park, top officials together with the people will witness the hoisting of a big flag and at the same time all of them will sing the Cuban National Anthem.

Some artists from Santiago de Cuba will perform like Tambores de Enrique Bonne, Karachi Orchestra, soloist Zulema Iglesias and others all directed by Santiago Carnago which will highlight this activity and will pave the way for the development of a great cultural program designed for the entire province in the celebrations on January 1 and 2 to salute the 56th anniversary of the Cuban’s Revolution’s Triumph.

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Periodista cubana. Máster en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Profesora Auxiliar de la Universidad de Oriente. Guionista de radio y televisión.


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