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Unyielding Fraternity with Cuba

Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, Secretario General de CTC, entrega la medalla 75 Aniversario de la CTC al presidente de la Organización sindical de Nigeria. Foto: Eddy Martin
Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento. Photo: Eddy Martin

Orestes Eugelles mena

The Nigeria’s Labor Congress (NLC) received in ceremony held in Havana, the commemorative stamp Anniversary 75th of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) for its demonstrations of fraternity with the Cuban union movement.

Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, secretary general of the CTC handed in the stamp to Abdulwared Ibrain Omar, president of the Nigerian organization that promotes the greatest solidarity movement with Cuba in the African continent.

Raimundo Navarro Fernandez, member of the National Secretariat of the CTC referred to the job carried out by the Nigeria’s Labor Congress in defense to the Cuban Revolution in national and international events and for the cause of the Cuban Five Heroes.

When receiving the stamp, Ibrain Omar said the stimulus is for all the Nigerian workers, who trust in the triumph of the Cuban people against the US blockade and will strengthen the links of friendship between the members of both union movements.

Minutes before, the members of this Nigerian movement held talks with members of the Cuban Workers Federation on how to increase the working links between the two organizations and expressed their disposition to support Cuba, by means of concrete actions for the development of Cuba in the fuel-oil industry, agriculture, culture, construction and other branches.

Abdulwared Ibrain Omar proposed the actions should be by means of objective contacts with the counterpart unions from both nations, and this way get favorable results for both peoples, a proposal backed by the top leaders of the Cuban national movement.

Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento informed the visitors on the transformations in Cuba with the updating of the economic model in the country.

There were also present in this exchange Chris Antigua Uyot, secretary general of NLC and Igwed Acheu Mr., secretary general of Oil and Gas Union from Nigeria.

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