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Strengthen Union

Foto: Estudios Revolución
Foto: Estudios Revolución4

Leticia Martinez and Yaima Puig

Heads of States and governments, members of ALBA-TCP (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America-Peoples’ Commerce Treaty) met at the Cuban capital on Sunday, December 14 and ratified the principles of solidarity and complimentarily among their countries.

Ten years ago, also in Havana, was born this integration organization, as political will of Commander in chief Fidel Castro and the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez whose legacy was highlighted in this 13th Summit.

Army General and President of Cuba, Raul Castro qualified as fruitful the debates and considered there were very interesting opinions which show the concrete results of this meeting.

He also made a call to keep on strengthening the political coordination, closer union and cooperation in all spheres among the nations, ALBA-TCP, CELAC, CARICOM, UNASUR and MERCOSUR.

We should set out new realistic goals, he said, to face future, define and set up actions possible that will help strengthen complimentarily among our economies, under the principles of rationality and efficiency.

Likewise, he prized we should work to make more visible the undeniable results of ALBA-TCP and spread the advantages of the integration model we propose and defend. The example of this is the agreements passed in the extraordinary summit of ALB-TCP to fight and prevent Ebola, Raul Castro stressed.

President Castro thanked the government of Panama for the invitation to participate in the in the next summit of the Americas. He stressed our commitment to participate in equal conditions.

The first decision of the 13th Summit ALBA-TCP was to make official, the admission to the Alliance of Grenada and Saint Kitts and Nevis, whose contributions, Raul said, will help the development and consolidation of this integrating mechanism which is also made by Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Lucia.

The members of this alliance highlighted the successes of this organization like Miracle Operation which has recovered the sight in about three million patients in Latin America and the Caribbean, the clinical analysis of disabled people, the literacy campaign to more than five million illiterates and the graduation of thousands of doctor. They also stressed the economical advances like that of the Only System of Regional Compensation (SUCRE) and ALBA Bank. Those participating in this event also agreed that even those we have been able to get all these things, there are many challenges we should be ready to face in the perfection of the programs in all areas of cooperation.

During the debates there were demonstrations of support to the Venezuelan Republic, and they firmly condemned the approval by the US Congress of the sanctions against the Bolivarian Republic.

Likewise, those attending the event, claimed once to the US for a change in the policy against Cuba and to put an end to the criminal blockade and the absurd inclusion of Cuba as sponsor of terrorism, as well as the release of the Cuban Five unjustly held in the US for fighting terrorism.

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