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French Journalist in Trabajadores Newspaper

Rene Camilo Garcia, journalist student

Photos: César A. Rodríguez.


Representative from the National Special Press Federation from France (FNPS) visited the venues of Trabajadores Newspaper.

Jean-Luc Berthore, president of the National Agriculture and Rural Press Union (SNPAR), where the majority of this delegation belongs said they were interested on the procedures for the agriculture cooperatives in Cuba.

SNPAR organized trips twice a year, to several countries with the leaders of the media.  Their main purpose is to know firsthand, what takes place in an area of interest, as well as the journalist job in the different regions of the world.

The exchange of knowledge between the European professionals and the Cubans enriched the perspective of both in specialized journalism. While Cubans are getting closer to specialized topics with a wider point of view, French journalists bet for a greater delimitation of the field.

On the contrary to how Cubans deal with agriculture in general, they prefer to separate agriculture in specific issues or branches inside agriculture.

Another topic was the debate on the belonging or not of the genetically modified products for consumption.

They all agreed on the need to implement and defend natural and ecological agriculture. The delegation will meet and exchange with Cuban farmers in their lands.

Jean-Luc Berthoré

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