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Summer on TV: Debts, Challenges and Productions

First of all, an advice: diversify your recreation options. Make sightseeing, read a book, share with your friends, do sports, dance until you feel exhausted …and frankly, it is not healthy to stay all day in front of the TV.

Cuban Summer TV Programs have not given so bad offers this year, as some people say. There are debts, of course, challenges to face, but also indisputable productions.

It is a pity the program Ya amaneció (It is already daybreak) broadcasted by Cubavision has not continued.

They assumed an ancient format from the international TV channels: a light morning report, multipurpose and cosmopolite. In general, it was a good production. Topics were linked without problems. The announcer looked easy while on air. It was a good option for mornings, a wake up without shrillness, with accurate information and effective ways of communication with people.

The most effective proposal by Educative Channel 2 was undoubtedly Sácame del apuro (Get me out of hook) inspired by the popular program Decida usted (You decide). It is obviously nothing new. But, the productions of the stories, style of the announcer, the program’s structure were more than honorable. The main problem was the view point in some of the alternatives given by the public. Sometimes they did not show absolute control of the topics.

An example: when they talked about the carrier of HIV, they said he was sick person with AIDS. It is not the same. They are important details, above all if they take into consideration the guidance vocation of the program. We hope that in next seasons they will be more careful.

Educative Channel was less lucky in his purpose. RelelacionTV was a program that could have been much more convincing if they would have been able to count on with a better production design, better taste. Competition programs are always welcomed, even more if those compiting are singers; but, RevelacionTV did not go beyond a sad copy of great competition programs from foreign television. The studio was very small, they looked packed. Dressing was more emphatic than necessary; it was hot there and we could see it, because sweat was pouring of those participating. Musical arrangements were simple; lighting was not enough; choreography was not good either; and to top, the rules of the game were never clear. Wasn’t it a competition? Why the qualifying rounds do admitted all the competitors?

The worst thing, above all being a taped program, was the spelling mistakes in the character generator just in the Educative Channel.  They wrote the Spanish word Hubiera without H, Valladases (Pepe Valladares is a singer) last name with B, they are unacceptable mistakes.

Viewers deserve a program like that, but very fairly.

Drama programs were convincing. Opera soups’ lovers cannot complain: three new foreign melodramas (four for people living in Havana). And the best thing was the decision to transmit the Brazilian opera soup everyday from Monday to Friday. Of course, we missed the Cuban opera soup. Among the series highlighted Crawley Mansion (Multivision) one of the best British productions. It is a master piece.

There is a lot to write left on television productions, which is one of the greatest national hobbies.

Summer tests the capacity of those responsible for the programs; it is, in an extent, a launching platform of new proposals, and a lab. We at least hope this season had been worth to define ways.

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