First Asian Champion in Capablanca Tournament

First Asian Champion in Capablanca Tournament

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Wesley So era el tercer favorito precompetencia. Foto: María del Carmen Ramón.
Wesley So era el tercer favorito precompetencia. Foto: María del Carmen Ramón.

Roberto M Lopez de Vivigo, journalism student

For five consecutive times, the champion in Capablanca In MemorianTournament goes to a foreign player, this time the Philippine GM Wesley So (2731), and he is the first Asian to win in the Elite Group.

Nevertheless he was the youngest among the rivals -20 years old-, and that he had never visited Cuba before, he felt as he were at home. He finished undefeated (3 victories and 7 even) and managed to get 6,5 points to lead in solitary. In ranking alive, so is in the 15th position worldwide and he had gone eight steps up after adding 13,4 units.

It all started when he defeated the Spanish GM Francisco Vallejo (2700). Afterwards he dominated Hungarian GM Zoltan Almasi (2693). The definition hit was to the Cuban GM Leinier Dominguez (2768) in the 8th round that was close to him by then.

Cuban GM Lazaro Bruzon (2682) managed to get the second position with 5,5 points without losing a match, an excellent performance for the chess player with less Elo. Leinier ended in the third position, Almasi and Vallejo in the fourth and Vassilu Ivanchuk (2753) the last position.


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