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Place Values on the Top of the Pyramid

Foto: Agustín Borrego
Photo: Agustín Borrego

Intelligent, tempered in the current circumstances according to the call of the top leaders of the country in the rescue of the values was the intervention of Solanch Sanz Suarez, student of Law, the 9th Congress of the Cuban Women Federation (FMC).

Sanz Suarez stressed on the need of the organization, to work in this sense, to “demythologize the historical personalities”, and made a call to use a fresh speech, attractive, sensitive, and at the same time, more humane in the social dialogue.

Likewise, she commented that her first time she met Vilma Espin was not that well known of the revolutionary combatant image, but the girl, student of Chemistry Engineering that walked the same halls of the University of Oriente where she is now studying. “There, in a way, Vilma started to gestate her formation as Cuban.”

She is conscious that at present it a task of top importance, the education of values, in the university – and the also base leader of the organization- asserted that this process should be in correspondence to the social interests. The current context, she said, demand citizens, and that means to have a civic formation.

According to her, there are still digressions today if there are anti-values or negative values. “More than that, we have a reversed pyramid we need to change and place at the top, those values that really correspond to the society we are building.”

Women play a leading role. They are present in all the institutions having the control mechanism, so how come there is not a quick answer to indiscipline?

“Today, one of the deficiencies of our legal system is crime and corruption monitoring. We fight them when they have already been committed. The most important thing is to prevent them, where the formation of values flows that will help the respect the norms and legality.”

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