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Book Fair: Spiritual Growth for Cuba

Foto: Miguel Rubiera Jústiz (AIN)
Foto: Miguel Rubiera Jústiz (AIN)

With Marti´s slogan Reading is Growing the Cuban Book Fair 2014 that was held from February 13 to March 9 all over the country, spiritually increased the Cuban nation considerably arousing the love for books and reading, a matter that should be extended beyond that context, which is a challenge for the institutions involved in this issue.

For this purpose, those organizers should contribute in its development in each province for 2015 according to their characteristics.

Zuleica Romay, president of the Cuban Book Institute when talking to this topic said that in Santiago de Cuba, the last territory the Book Fair took place, the opinions, were “to be in as much places as possible, multiply it, even though the official opening is the second Thursday of February in La Cabana Fortress.”

She also said that next March 31, the celebration of the Centenarian of the writer Manuel Feijoo and the Cuban Book Day, they will inform in details about it, as well as the honor guest country and writers to be devoted the 24th edition.

About 2,1 million people participated in the fair and more than 1,6 million volumes were sold in all the country. This reading event ratified as a cultural moment of great popular participation as a space that helped the exchange between authors and the audience.

In the closing activity of the 23rd Fair attended the member of the Central Committee Lazaro Esposito Canto, first secretary of the Communist Party of the province, Julian Gonzalez, minister of Culture, Abel Prieto, adviser of the president of the Councils of State and Ministers, Edgar Ponce Ecuadorian ambassador in Cuba, among other personalities.

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