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Academic Reflection in Universidad 2014

ABT_universidad 01The 9th International Congress of Higher Education Universidad 2014 was inaugurated on February 10, 2014, at Karl Marx Theater in Havana, with an academic environment to debate on contemporaneous problems in Education.

This event is sponsored by the Minister of Higher Education and the universities of Cuba with its main venue at the Conventional Palace and will be about 3,500 delegates participating among Cubans and foreigners from 60 nations: It will last until Friday, February 14.

The debates will be on the slogan: For a socially responsible higher education where professors, researchers, college students, as well as directives and officials from organizations and enterprises linked to Education will participate with lectures.

Among the most important activities there is the one to homage Commander Hugo Chavez Frias and another about the struggle of the university students for the release of the Cuban Five antiterrorist heroes who are unjustly held in the United States.

The 6th Forum of Education Unions will also be held among other special activities.

Ministers from other countries, as well as rectors, deputy directors, personalities and studious people of Education will attend too.

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