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Quality of Education as Priority

Foto: José R. Rodríguez Robleda
Foto: José R. Rodríguez Robleda

The Commission of Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Environment of the Cuban Parliament gave detailed information to the deputies on the educative-teaching process as part of the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Eighth Legislature.

Cira Pineiro Alonso, first deputy minister of Education (MINED), while evaluating the topic she stressed that the starting point this academic course has been the speech addressed by President Raul Castro in the Parliament’s sessions held last year, when he critically expressed the issue on the social indiscipline and the different manifestations of the current Cuban society.

From that moment on, the Ministry of Education elaborated a plan aimed to improve those aspects that are the causes of those indiscipline, illegalities, corruption and fraud, among others, the deputy minister said.

Some of the topics debated in the first point of the agenda were those on the situation of the universalities of Pedagogical Sciences, the professional training of the teachers, the changes in the different teachings, the physical conditions of the schools and the recognition to workers and leader of this branch.

Deputies were informed that about 4,365 students are in Pedagogical Schools, and there were more offers of careers and the way these students study their specialties at full time. Great news was that next year, about 4,500 students will graduate in kindergarten, elementary and special schools that are at present studying in the 22 pedagogical schools in Cuba.

At present, 93,539 teachers are registered in different post graduated courses in Education. There are 1,116 Science Doctors and 64,520 Masters.

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