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Deputies Evaluate as Positive New Law Decrees

JRasuntos constitucionales01

The application of two Law Decrees of recent enactment and its coming into effect which anticipates modifications of the norms for the improvement of the criminal justice system in Cuba were evaluated by the commission of legal and constitutional affairs in the Cuban Parliament.

Reports given by the Popular Supreme Court, the General Attorney’s Office, and the Ministry of Interior, informed the deputies about the application of the Law Decrees 310 and 113 “a hard task of our permanent working group,” said the deputy minister, Rosa Charro Ruiz in an exclusive to Trabajadores newspaper.

She stressed the changes that can be felt in legal matter and those coming soon, have the purpose to help the constitutional right of the population, to have easier access to justice. As example she said people under legal processes are benefited because they neither have to move to the main municipality nor the province. Another advantage is that the provincial courts can have a greater control and supervision with the authorities, as their direct administration of law has decreased, the official explained.

Deputies highlighted this way of administration with greater dynamism to judge and talked about their worries in relation to the number of young judges and district attorneys in the municipality level.

Officials also informed there was a training process of the staff and that they are also systematically monitoring their performance, “it is really a challenge, but the fact is that the general evaluation is more positive than the imperfections, which can be possibly corrected, Charro Ruiz said.

This commission also debated the Labor Draft Code where more than 2,000,000 workers either in Cuba or abroad participated.

Undoubtedly, it has been an enriching process for the final report that should be passed by the Parliament, “of great impact because it will help strengthen the constitutional right to work and labor discipline, to improve efficiency, said the deputy minister of the permanent commission of legal and constitutional affairs.

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