Category Archives: Ingles

When Death Means Life

When Death Means Life

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On March 4, 1960, the French steamship La Coubre was sabotaged in the port of Havana. The feeling of powerlessness in the face of the crime subsided with Fidel’s words about the only possible attitude of the people in the face of any aggression: «Once again we would have no other choice than the one with which we began the revolutionary struggle: that of freedom or death. Only now freedom means something more: freedom means homeland. And our dilemma would be: Fatherland or Death! Continuar leyendo

Meliá Las Antillas Hotel Celebrates its 26th Anniversary in the Preferred Category

Meliá Las Antillas Hotel Celebrates its 26th Anniversary in the Preferred Category

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Founded on March 1, 1999, the Meliá Las Antillas Hotel has celebrated its 26th anniversary, successfully overcoming the obstacles of a resilient Cuban tourism par excellence, but with signals emitted by establishments such as this, magical for their ability to innovate, create and, above all, make visitors fall in love with it Continuar leyendo

Lights in the Contingency

Lights in the Contingency

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Ciego de Avila, an agricultural powerhouse and candidate for the national seat on July 26 of this year, has labor collectives that generate innovative human energy to reduce the gap between growing demand and depressed supply, as recognized by the Provincial Conference of the Cuban Workers’ Central (CTC) Continuar leyendo

Inspired by Good Examples

Inspired by Good Examples

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Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and President of the Republic, called for growth in the face of the complex situation the country is experiencing, after concluding his tour of the economic objectives of the Holguin municipalities of Báguanos, Cueto and Urbano Noris this Friday Continuar leyendo

To Debate: The Distribution of Profits

To Debate: The Distribution of Profits

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The distribution of profits arouses the interest of workers. For this to happen, every collective must know that two fundamental principles must be respected: «One cannot speak of a distribution of wealth if it has not been previously created, nor should one speak of a distribution of the income generated by it that is not compatible with the individual participation of the workers» Continuar leyendo

From the CTC: Love for Cuba

From the CTC: Love for Cuba

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The Workers’ Central Union of Cuba (CTC, in Spanish) received the visit of a Spanish delegation from the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO, in Spanish), a meeting that promoted exchanges between the organizations and strengthened the bonds of solidarity between Cuba and Spain Continuar leyendo

Friends, not Gravediggers

Friends, not Gravediggers

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The sale of «chemical» (homemade drugs) in many places in Cuba is a sad reality; but I am surprised by the fact that it is done so openly, as if it were milk or beans, and without any apparent fear of the police authorities Continuar leyendo

© 2018 Trabajadores. Órgano de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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