Diaz-Canel meets with People’s Popular Power Presidents

Diaz-Canel meets with People’s Popular Power Presidents

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Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, presided over a working session with the Presidents of the Provincial and Municipal Assemblies of the People’s Power.

Headed by @DiazCanelB, the President of @AsambleaCuba and members of the Council of Ministers, there is a working session with the Presidents of the Provincial and Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power, there is an exchange on priorities in the governance of #Cuba, reads in the Presidency of Cuba´s Twitter account.

According to a tweet from journalist Yaima Puig, important issues such as housing construction, agriculture, State Budget, e-commerce and local development programs are examined.

On how to promote more development from the municipalities, #AHORA is discussed in a meeting with the presidents of the provincial and municipal assemblies of #PoderPopular. DiazCanelB insists on thinking as a country to find better solutions to our problems. #We are Cuba, Yaima Puig adds.

Also from this social network, journalist Angélica Paredes states that «With our eyes set on the priorities of government management, we hold a meeting with the presidents of the Provincial and Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power. The president @DiazCanelB attends the meeting that evaluates among other topics, housing and agriculture #SomosCuba».

You have to think like a country. Housing policy is a priority in government management. You have to build quality housing. @AsambleaCuba, tweeted the Cuban president. (Taken from Cuban News Agency)


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