Cuba announces 15th International Congress on Sugar and By-products

Cuba announces 15th International Congress on Sugar and By-products

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Cuba prepares to host the 15th International Congress on Sugar and Diversification of Cane By-products 2019, from June 24 thru 28, announced an official source. The Business Director of the Cuban Research Institute of Sugar Cane Derivatives (Icidca), Barbara Rodriguez, told the media that the event -organized by that center- will analyze the most advanced technologies in that field.
The congress is also aimed at spreading the most recent advances and the better use of sugar cane potentialities and its by-products.

The Congress will have the capital’s Hotel Nacional as venue and also, simultaneously, will session the International Fair Expoazucar 2019.

This event will gather national and international companies linked to the sugar sector which will show the most recent advances in technology, products and services, said the Icidca executive.

There will also be a business forum to facilitate contacts with potential clients, who will learn about new investment opportunities and will inform about those who are being carried out at this moment.

Besides the Icidca, sponsor the event the Association of Sugar Technicians of Cuba (Atac) and the National Institute of Research on Sugar Cane.

According to experts, the sugar cane by-products are chosen to have an increasing role in the solution of the most pressing problems of humanity, such as food and energy.

From that crop are obtained today in the world over 30 by-products, but its potential is still greater. Among those products are renewable energy, alcohol, beverages, boards, animal feed, sorbitol, paper, bioproducts, furfural, pharmaceuticals, cartons and plastics. (Taken from Prensa Latina)


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