Benny More is There

Benny More is There

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Benny with his inseparable guitar.
Benny with his inseparable guitar.

Benny More, el barbaro del ritmo (fantastic in rhythm) is in his homeland, in his “beloved spot” celebrating his 95th birthday with his guitar. He went to his native Santa Isabel de las Lajas and as usual sat at the bar on the corner and played his excellent music and share some drinks with his friends.

And he is still there, in his native land, his beloved corner celebrating his birthday on August 24, 1919 at 7 a.m.

And he will be at Congos Casino, like his first time when he played Makuta drum. There will be ritual and people will sing. They will raise the Cuban flag and will scatter rum to the air to pay tribute to the saints protecting him. And they will walk the streets, friendly greeting everybody, because Benny has not forgotten his roots despite fame and money.

And, in one of the park’s benches he will also sit and cross his legs; will tune his guitar and sing: “Hoy como ayer…” (Today like yesterday).

Then, he will go to Cienfuegos City in a taxi, the city he liked the most. He will walk Paseo del Prado and in a centric interception he will meet with the rumba players to give a farewell to the Timbalaye he had toured in Cuba.

He will sing there, with that singular and melodic voice, incomparable the life gave him to be one of the greatest Cuban musicians from all times.

Macuta drums Benny More played when he was a child. Photo Barreras Ferran.
Macuta drums Benny More played when he was a child. Photo Barreras Ferran.
Ritual at Congos Casino at la Guira neighborhood, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos province. Photo: Barreras Ferran.
Ritual at Congos Casino at la Guira neighborhood, Santa Isabel de Las Lajas, Cienfuegos province. Photo: Barreras Ferran.
Tribute to Benny in the main street in his “beloved corner” where he was born and lived his first years: Santa Isabel de las Lajas. Photo: Barreras Ferran.
Tribute to Benny in the main street in his “beloved corner” where he was born and lived his first years: Santa Isabel de las Lajas. Photo: Barreras Ferran.
Grave with his mortal remains in the neighborhood where he was born and he loved. Settles from Santa Isabel de las Lajas go on a pilgrimage to his grave. Photo: Barreras Ferran.
Grave with his mortal remains in the neighborhood where he was born and he loved. Settles from Santa Isabel de las Lajas go on a pilgrimage to his grave. Photo: Barreras Ferran.

Acerca del autor

Graduado de Profesor de Educación General en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Félix Varela, de Villa Clara, Cuba (1979). Ha laborado en la Revista Juventud Técnica, semanario En Guardia, órgano del Ejército Central, periódicos Escambray, CINCO de Septiembre y Granma. Desde el año 2007 es corresponsal de Trabajadores en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Está especializado en temas económicos y agropecuarios. En 1999 acompañó en funciones periodísticas a la segunda Brigada Médica Cubana que llegó a Honduras después del paso del huracán Mitch. Publicó el libro Verdades sin puerto (Editorial cubana MECENAS). Ha estado en otras tres ocasiones en esa nación centroamericana, en funciones periodísticas, impartiendo conferencias a estudiantes universitarios, asesorando medios de comunicación e impartiendo cursos-talleres sobre actualización periodística a periodistas y comunicadores. Multipremiado en premios y concursos internacionales, nacionales y provinciales de Periodismo. Fue merecedor del Premio Provincial Periodístico Manuel Hurtado del Valle (Cienfuegos) por la Obra de la Vida – 2012. Le fue conferido el Sello de Laureado, otorgado por el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Cultura (SNTC). Mantiene evaluación profesional de Excepcional.


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Director: Alberto Núñez Betancourt
Subdirectores Editoriales: Alina Martínez Triay y Joel García León
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